While watching this program I was laughing all the way but at the same time feel very sad for the people of China. They have been so brainwashed that they think what their govt do is right. The govt have no respect for its people.
然而,最後才走出洞穴的他卻接獲父親當天離世的噩耗,哈里斯的上司皮爾斯(Andrew Pearce)11日說:「這顯然是哈里斯一家人的悲痛時刻,他經過本周極度複雜而最終圓滿的救援行動後,身心俱疲,悲傷的情緒加深。他很快就會回家,花時間和家人待在一起,他要求外界尊重他們一家人的隱私。」
Adelaide doctor Richard Harris stopped his holiday to help those Thai boys. If ever a bloke deserved to be Australian of the Year it’s this man. He’s what embodies the true spirit of this country
— Peter Gleeson (@PeterGleeson63) 2018年7月10日
澳洲出動20名專業人員參與這次泰國洞穴救援計畫,澳洲外長畢紹普(Julie Bishop)表示,哈里斯是這次救援行動不可或缺的關鍵人物。許多澳洲人則紛紛在推特讚許哈里斯是英雄,「體現了澳洲真正的精神」,並呼籲當局頒發「年度傑出澳洲人獎」(Australian of the Year)給他。