《信報 Express》 緊貼佔中運動第一手資訊,為你提供深入分析和評論,免費閱讀,請 立即下載。作者: man6552000 時間: 2014-11-28 23:31 Amazing Black Friday Sales in Mong Kok, Hong Kong!! | China Uncensored
Crowds flood Mong Kok Hong Kong to get best deals on Black Friday sales! Now that police and bailiffs have cleared the protest site because of a restraining order taken out by a minibus company, protesters can stop protesting and start shopping! At least that's what CY Leung wants. And the former protesters are happy to oblige. Because as they flood the streets, they aren't protesting. No! They're shopping. It's a Thanksgiving Day miracle.
旺角佔領區清場後,連日來晚上均有市民展開「鳩嗚」快閃行動,昨晚再有大批市民由旺角向尖沙嘴方向游走,中途一度折返旺角,之後又再去尖沙嘴,令一直監視著的大批警員疲於奔命。駐港的英國多媒體記者Tom Grundy,就以經典遊戲Pac-Man(食鬼)的截圖來比喻昨晚旺角的情況,並指「How Mong Kok was last night(昨晚旺角就是這樣)」。