
標題: 【歷史】柏林圍牆倒下25年 德變歐巨人 [打印本頁]

作者: man6552000    時間: 2014-11-2 16:56
標題: 【歷史】柏林圍牆倒下25年 德變歐巨人
本帖最後由 man6552000 於 2014-11-9 23:23 編輯


http://nvdatabase.swarthmore.edu ... democracy-1989-1990
In 1921 the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP) came to power and soon aligned the country with the USSR. Until this democracy campaign in 1989, the MPRP ruled Mongolia through a constitutionally-sanctioned single-party government. By the mid-1980’s, pro-reform sentiments and movements were spreading in Eastern Europe, especially at the universities. However, Mongolians remained isolated from all of this except for the few students who could afford to study abroad in Eastern Europe. Although Jambyn Batmunkh, who came to power following a 1984 coup, enacted very limited reforms and a large part of the party had become more sympathetic to reforms, no significant reforms had been made. Nonetheless, by 1989, students had begun organizing underground meetings and secretly putting up posters that protested the ruling party’s monopoly on power.

On December 10, 1989—by no accident concurrent with International Human Rights Day—the opposition group that would soon become the Mongolian Democratic Union (MDU) held its first open demonstration in Sukhbaatar Square with 200 people in attendance. Although opposition groups had held clandestine meetings for the past few years, and had posted placards calling for democracy around Ulan Bator, they had never done so openly, let alone in the same square that housed the Khural—or parliament—and where the MPRP held their many pro-regime rallies and celebrations.

The demands at this initial rally were small compared to what they would become, with demonstrators holding signs calling for openness, the honoring of human rights, and freedom of the press. The speeches of opposition that day were also accompanied by music from the rock group Khonkh.
After the December 10 demonstration the campaigners officially formed the MDU and began to hold meetings, drawing more and more supporters every day. Meanwhile the MPRP Politburo was already showing initial signs of reform by expressing their support of openness and restructuring, although they did not officially instate these policies.

On December 17, the MDU held another rally at Sukhbaatar Square, this time attended by 2,000 people, ten times the number at the first demonstration. Having developed greater support and better organization, the group presented the Politburo with a petition of specific goals. In particular, they called for free, multi-party elections and a market economy to replace the failed, centrally planned economy. They continued their demands for basic human rights, openness, and freedom of the press.

As the MDU held regular demonstrations in Sukhbaatar Square throughout December, the support for the movement continued to grow and to incorporate a membership that was more representative of the Mongolian population. MDU representatives recruited mineworkers in the city of Erdenet, who were spurred by their disdain for the Soviet control of the mine. This same anti-Soviet inclination was beginning to emerge in the movement as a whole.
On January 14, the MDU held a meeting of 1,000 people in the Lenin Museum in Ulan Bator. This was part of a series of meetings for open discussion that expressed the possibility of true democracy in Mongolian society. Later in the month, continuing to weaken the MPRP’s hold on the population, the MDU gained the support of the Mongolian Journalists’ Union—which was then renamed the Mongolian Democratic Journalists’ Union—representing a possible shift towards free press.

On January 21, which was a day normally celebrated by communist governments to commemorate Lenin, the MDU’s new coordinating committee organized another huge rally. Thousands of supporters joined this rally, celebrating Mongolian nationalism and culture instead of the communist hero. Rather than singing the MPRP songs that normally resounded in Sukhbaatar Square, the protesters—which now represented Mongolians from rural areas, small towns, large cities, and all classes—sang traditional Mongolian folk songs honoring the Mongolian conqueror, Genghis Khan.
Throughout January and February the Mongolian Politburo was unable to reach a solution for ending the emergent popular protest. They knew that violent repression would be looked down upon by the USSR, especially after the frenzy around the repression at Tienanmen Square in China. And yet, every day the MPRP government was losing legitimacy.

In mid-February, as an affront to the constitutionally sanctioned single-party rule, leaders of the MDU formed several new political parties, including the Mongolian Democratic Party and the National Progressive Party. Additionally, the MPRP control of the media was loosening further as opposition journalists began to publish newspapers without governmental approval. Protesters, having gained popular approval from Mongolian nationalists, dismantled the statue of Stalin that sat before the Mongolian National Library on February 22.

In another hugely symbolic action, ten MDU members, who were dressed in outlawed traditional clothing, launched a hunger strike in Sukhbaatar Square on March 7, 1990. The hunger strike was new to Mongolia and was greeted with some curiosity, but paired with the traditional clothing it became a national symbol. Throughout the day supporters gathered and marched in the square, students stopped schoolwork, and Buddhist monks came to show their support for the hunger strikers. In towns throughout Mongolia, including Erdenet, workers held short sympathy strikes in conjunction with the actions in central Sukhbaatar Square.

The still divided Politburo attempted to negotiate an end to the hunger strike that day, still hopeful to avoid any violent repression. The hunger strikers, however, claimed that they would not stop until their demands were met. Support for the strikers and their demands continued to grow throughout the day.
With so many people now in support of the democratic movement, the MDU began to lose some control over the crowd. On the second day of the hunger strike some protesters stole cars and buses and drove throughout Ulan Bator yelling anti-Soviet and anti-MPRP slogans. In several instances campaigners even used violence and vandalism, despite the leadership’s continued advocacy for nonviolence. Nonetheless, the Politburo continued to refuse the use of forceful repression for fear of its negative effects.

On March 9, confronted by the widespread support for the hunger strikers and the ensuing chaos, the entire Politburo announced its resignation. This allowed the Mongolian parliament to put forth new governmental reforms and new MPRP leadership. The parliament held meetings with MDU members and representatives from newly formed civil groups throughout the country in the following days, and after several days the parliament also officially ended constitutional support for single-party rule and elected a new Politburo made up of younger, reform-minded members. Meanwhile, the MDU continued to hold rallies. Because of their continued actions, when police finally arrested protesters for the first time in early April, the MDU was ready to contest the arrests with a second hunger strike that eventually succeeded in freeing the imprisoned campaigners. By the end of April the number of people attending rallies had surpassed 40,000, several opposition parties had held their first congresses, and the parliament continued to reform the MPRP government.

Finally, on May 10, 1990, the parliament declared that free, multi-party elections would be held in July. Although the Communist Party did in fact win nearly ¾ of the seats in that election, hardliners were replaced by reformists in the party. Mongolia’s time as a single-party, Communist dictatorship had come to an end. In 1996 the Communists lost their majority in the government.

轉貼自高登link, 內有雲海 youtube link 簡短講述.
作者: man6552000    時間: 2014-11-9 12:56
本帖最後由 man6552000 於 2014-11-9 12:57 編輯


http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/in ... t/20141109/18929018


三日紀念活動以「爭取自由的勇氣」為主題,總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)憶述當年35歲在東德的見聞,指民眾突破圍牆之時,她剛洗完桑拿浴,聽到消息後只見人們湧到邊界,「我永不忘記那一天,這自由的感覺。我等了35年,這改變了我一生」。

奔向自由 成政經中心
默克爾當日只想到自由,時任英國首相戴卓爾夫人(Margaret Thatcher)據報卻很有遠見地說:「我們(在兩次大戰)打敗德國人兩次,現在他們捲土重來了。」


當年下令東德當局切勿血腥鎮壓示威者的蘇聯領導人戈爾巴喬夫(Mikhail Gorbachev),前天造訪柏林分治時期地標查理檢查站時,說對自己的歷史角色感到自豪,但亦警告勿讓烏克蘭危機引發的東西方緊張擴大,指德俄維持良好關係很重要。

13/08/1961 柏林圍牆始建,全長155公里,阻東德人投奔西方,歷來有逾100人嘗試越牆而死
06/10/1989 東德共產政權成立40周年出現大規模示威,東德在蘇聯領導人戈爾巴喬夫警告勿阻改革後,沒有大力鎮壓
18/10/1989 昂納克辭東德共黨總書記一職,之後輾轉由改革派上台
04/11/1989 東德全國示威,東柏林逾100萬人要求政改和自由
09/11/1989 東德當局在誤會中打開了柏林圍牆關卡,民眾趁機推倒圍牆
18/03/1990 東德首次自由選舉,主張急統人士大勝
03/10/1990 德國統一
作者: man6552000    時間: 2014-11-9 12:58


德國統一後,首位總理科爾(Helmut Kohl)承諾過會為經濟滯後的東部帶來「繁盛景象」。圍牆倒下25年,德東跟德西的經濟差距收窄了多少?

德東民眾亦積極過新生。圍牆倒下後,當年僅19歲的科夫卡(Leticia Koffke)沒有即時投奔自由,選擇留下來並參加首屆、亦是唯一一屆東德小姐選舉,摘下后冠,之後到過米蘭、紐約、土耳其當模特兒及搞時裝生意,最終厭倦只顧掙錢的從商生涯,選擇轉行做銷售經理,現在視德西科隆為家。
作者: man6552000    時間: 2014-11-9 12:59


在歷史書上,耶格(Harald Jaeger)是開放柏林圍牆的關鍵人物──在群情洶湧下,未獲上級清晰指示的他,自行下令開放關卡。但他謙說:「打開圍牆的人不是我,而是那天晚上聚集起來的東德群眾。」
作者: man6552000    時間: 2014-11-9 13:00


德國人當初推倒柏林圍牆時,一股腦地要將這專制象徵敲爛、從記憶中抹走,到市政府十多年後醒覺要保留圍牆作歷史文物,圍牆遺蹟已所餘無幾。有前蘇聯領導人布里茲湼夫(Leonid Brezhnev)和東德末代領導人昂納克(Erich Honecker)擁吻塗鴉的一段1.3公里圍牆,是現存最長一段。
德國人對這段歷史的厭惡,亦令很多東德時期文物外流。洛杉磯文德博物館(Wende Musuem)藏品中,連其他東歐文物,就有四個儲存庫之多,包括昂納克的私人文件、東德間諜用品、秘密警察竊聽錄音帶等。德國人近年才想起搞東德主題旅遊,有人要求將昂納克在柏林附近森林的防核地堡轉成博物館。
作者: man6552000    時間: 2014-11-9 13:01


德國調查機構Infratest dimap早前訪問1,015人,發現54%德西地區受訪者沒有興趣進一步認識兩德分裂的歷史,51%德東民眾都持同樣看法,只有不足40%人表示有興趣。
作者: man6552000    時間: 2014-11-9 13:18


【大紀元2014年11月07日訊】(大紀元記者李天韻編譯報導)11月6日,原捷克斯洛伐克國家安全局最後一任局長洛倫克(Alojz Lorenc)在斯洛伐克首都布拉迪斯拉發表示,1989年11月17日,在捷克斯洛伐克首都布拉格爆發超過十萬人的抗議遊行,要求結束共產黨統治時,他曾頂住壓力,公開反對鎮壓示威民眾。


11月6日,他對記者說,1989年「天鵝絨」革命時,面對數十萬人的反共遊行,他曾經頂著政界和內政部的壓力,拒絕了特勤局干涉民眾的抗議。 他說:「我在1989年11月17日不同意鎮壓抗議民眾,這是大家都知道的。」他表示,當時面對來自於政界和隸屬於內政部各部門的直接問詢和壓力,他的答覆都是「不干涉」。



對於共產主義,布拉格前市長斯沃博達(Bohuslav Svoboda)曾表示,共產主義的理念聽起來很好聽,但是只要是共產政權掌控的地區,這種思想就變成了殺戮和酷刑的工具,全世界任何一個「共產主義」氾濫的地區都無法逃脫這種厄運。


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