
標題: 下朝手印 - 提升自療能力 / Adhomukha Mudra - Increases Self-Healing ... [打印本頁]

作者: Rondey    時間: 2019-5-10 17:34
標題: 下朝手印 - 提升自療能力 / Adhomukha Mudra - Increases Self-Healing ...
下朝手印 - 提升自療能力 / Adhomukha Mudra - Increases Self-Healing Power


Slow progress of medication?Depletion of self-healing power owing to chronic illnesses?練習一下下朝手印吧!
藥物療效遲緩,康復事倍功半? 卧病在床,自療元氣大傷 ? Try Adhomukha Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 雙手的所有手指(除了拇指),平放並朝下,以形成90度角
face all fingers ( except thumbs ) of both hands horizontally and then downwards, to form 90 degree angles

2. 雙手的掌背互貼
connect back of palms of both hands together

3. 雙手拇指的指尖,互相接觸
connect tips of thumbs of both hands

■ 下朝手印的功效
Benefits of Adhomukha Mudra

1. 強化人體與生俱來的自療能力
enhances inborn self-healing powers

2. 強化消化能量、視力
strengthens digestive power, eyesight

3. 降低身體的毒性,有助排毒
reduces toxicity & encourages detoxification

4. 淨化思緒,以助進入冥想境界
pacifies mind to be ready for meditation

■ 注意

1. 每天練習2-3次
practise 2-3 times per day

2. 每次練習3-5分鐘
practise each time for 3-5 minutes

3. 久病者可酌量延長練習至10-20分鐘,以身心舒適為度
for chronic patients, extend practice to 10-20 minutes, as long as being comfortable

4. 女性月事期間,此手印宜於心輪前方練習,並以拇指指尖觸碰胸骨末端
for women amid menstrual cycle, better to practice mudra in front of heart chakra, with tip of thumb touching base of sternum


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