
標題: 曙光手印 - 克服賴床 / Ushas Mudra - Overcomes Bed-lounging [打印本頁]

作者: Rondey    時間: 2019-3-12 20:52
標題: 曙光手印 - 克服賴床 / Ushas Mudra - Overcomes Bed-lounging
曙光手印 - 克服賴床 / Ushas Mudra - Overcomes Bed-lounging


Professional medalists in Bed-lounging? Dullness after an exhausting day ? Try Ushas Mudra!

■ 操作

▶. 男性︰十指相扣,右拇指置於左拇指上
man︰interlock all fingers where right thumb is on top of left

▶. 女性︰十指相扣,左拇指置於右拇指上
woman︰interlock all fingers where right thumb is on top of left

■ 曙光手印的功效
Benefits of Ushas Mudra

1. 有助甫起床時,提振昏昏的精神
freshens up one's spirit on waking up

2. 改善思維遲鈍、無朝氣
improves mental inactivity, dullness

3. 為身體充電,及提升創造力
energizes body & sparks creativity

4. 把生殖輪的性能量,引導至身體上部
directs sexual energy from Svadisthana Chakra upwards

5. 平衡荷爾蒙系統
balances hormonal system

■ 注意

1. 最好晨間練習
best to practise amid morning

2. 把相扣的手掌,置於頭後方,有更好的抑制賴床的功效
for better effect on bed-lounging, place interlocked hands at back of head

3. 每次練習5-10分鐘
practise each time for 5-10 minutes


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