
標題: 氣手印 - 止息一般疼痛 / Vayu Mudra - Relieves General Pain [打印本頁]

作者: Rondey    時間: 2019-3-2 16:53
標題: 氣手印 - 止息一般疼痛 / Vayu Mudra - Relieves General Pain
氣手印 - 止息一般疼痛 / Vayu Mudra - Relieves General Pain


No solution for headache, toothache, joint pain? Flatulence after meals? Try Vayu Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 食指放置在拇指底部
places index finger tip at base of thumb

2. 拇指按住食指背部
presses thumb on back of index finger

3. 伸直其餘手指
extend rest of fingers

■ 空氣手印的功效
Benefits of Vayu Mudra

1. 對身體疼痛有止息作用︰包括頭痛、牙痛、背痛、關節痛等
pain-killer for headache, toothache, backache, joint pain, etc

2. 紓緩腸胃氣脹
alleviates flatulence

3. 改善帕金森氏病者的顫抖症狀
improves tremors for Parkinson sufferes

4. 改善集中力
Improves mental concentration

5. 改善血液循環
improves blood circulation

■ 注意

1. 最好晨間練習
best to practise amid morning

2. 每天練習30分鐘
practise each day for 30 minutes

3. 當症狀消失後,不宜繼續練習
avoid further practice once symptoms alleivated


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